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Clear Aligners COVID-19 advice | Oldham | Manchester Orthodontics

Looking for advice and guidance on how to continue your clear aligner treatment through the Covid-19 pandemic?

No need to worry, because we’ve got you covered. 

Here’s everything you need to know about your Invisalign treatment from start to finish so you can have some peace of mind during lockdown.

Before we begin, let’s list some common problems patient’s face and how you can solve them

#1 The aligner does not fit properly

Solution: Revert back to your previous aligner for a few days and then refit the next aligner. If you still struggle to get it in after that, then do not hesitate to get in touch on 0161 7680931.

#2 The aligner rubs or is digging in

Solution: Use a nail file to buff down on the area of the tray that sticks out or use orthodontic wax.

#3 An attachment has fallen off

Solution: Carry on with treatment as normal but call to let us know so we can make a note of it.

Start of Treatment

If you have had records taken to make your aligners (these could be a scan or impressions) but have not had them fitted your treatment cannot start until the practice opens again. 

They can’t be sent through the post as they need to be fitted and checked by an orthodontist.

After Fitting the Aligners, but Before Attachments are Placed

Attachments are typically placed on your 3rd set of trays. So we advise to wear your 1st and 2nd aligners as prescribed (1 or 2 weeks each) up until stage 3. Then contact us and we will advise further.


At this stage you should be used to wearing your aligners and know what to expect. Please keep wearing your Invisalign as normal and change them as prescribed. Remember to make sure that your teeth are ready for the next aligner before wearing. If you seek further advice then contact us on 0161 7680931.

End of Treatment

If you reach the last aligner in the series prescribed then keep wearing the last tray as retainers and contact us immediately. This is because the attachments cannot be removed until the current restrictions are lifted and the practice re-opens.

If you have any further queries then do not hesitate to contact us, we are always happy to help especially during these testing times. Stay safe!