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Get braces off faster

If you’ve got misaligned teeth and want orthodontic treatment then you’ll be eager to get your braces on. However, towards the end of your brace journey you may be wondering how you can get your braces off faster. 

While the braces take care of your misaligned teeth, you need to take care of your braces so that they can continue aligning your smile. The more care you put into your braces, the more likely it is that you may be able to get your braces taken off before you thought.

Here are 4 proven tips that will protect your teeth with braces and not delay treatment:


Make sure to brush your teeth properly

You may think this is common sense, but brushing your teeth can get tricky with braces. You have to be careful not to be too harsh on your teeth as this can cause your brace brackets to become dislodged or even broken. You need to make sure you are applying enough pressure to make sure there is no food stuck in your braces. We recommend using a toothbrush with softer bristles though, to make sure you don't scratch or damage your brace.


Floss Regularly

Flossing is important because it reaches places where a brush can’t, which is necessary when you have braces fitted. We recommend flossing after every meal because it can dislodge food particles stuck but also removes 40% of plaque. We can advise on special floss to use with braces. 


Eat Softer Foods

When you first get your braces fitted your orthodontist will make you aware of foods that we recommend you don’t eat, so that you don’t break your brace. It’s advised that you eat softer food and avoid anything too hard or sticky that could break or get stuck to your brace. As you wear your braces more you will start to get used to the food that you can and can’t eat.


Book regular visits to see your Orthodontist

After every check-up with your orthodontist we will look to book your next appointment so that you have a regular timeline of check-ups. This will make sure that your brace is healthy and there are no delays to getting your brace taken off. 


By following these 4 tips you should prevent having any time added onto your brace treatment and be able to get your braces off faster as your misaligned teeth move into the correct place. 


If you are looking to start brace treatment or have any questions regarding your current brace treatment, please contact us on 0161 622 0987.


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