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Orthodontic Treatment Responsibilities | Oldham | Manchester Orthodontics

When it comes to orthodontic treatment and looking after your brace appliance, it’s not just your orthodontist’s responsibility. That being said, it’s not just yours either. If you want your treatment to succeed, then it’s time to start working collaboratively.

In this blog, we’ll be discussing who needs to be taking care of what so you can ensure your treatment goes as planned.

You: Ask the right questions

Before your treatment even starts, at your consultation, you need to be asking your clinician the right questions. Not just to put your mind at ease, but so you can both be on the same page about what results you want.

Your Orthodontist: Listen to your requests

Similarly, your orthodontist should listen to your queries and requirements so they can ensure the right treatment is picked for you.

You: Attend all your appointments 

Want your treatment to finish on time? Then make sure you attend regular appointments and arrive on time. If you do happen to be busy on the day of an appointment then it’s best to call us in advance to cancel and rebook your slot. 

Your Orthodontist: Be communicative and transparent

At your appointments, your clinician should be keeping you updated on how your treatment is going. They should also be advising you on how to keep your appliance clean and safe from breakages.

You: Take onboard advice

Your orthodontist is a trained professional, so listen to what they have to say in regards to your appliance. If they recommend cleaning your teeth more often, clean them more. If they suggest a softer food diet, try to avoid hard or chewy foods. 

You will have your dream smile quicker if both of you do your parts. Don’t neglect your duties as a patient, after all it is your smile you’re trying to change. Take care of it!

Need more advice on your treatment? Then please contact us today on 0161 768 0931.