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Surviving Your First Week with Invisalign


You’ve made the leap into the world of orthodontics to gain the smile you’ve always dreamed of through the ever-growing popularity of Invisalign.  

Invisalign is an extremely effective orthodontic method for straightening teeth, closing gaps, and correcting bite issues. They are discreet, comfortable, and virtually invisible. Obviously, as with anything new, there is an adjustment period to be expected but with the help of the below guide, from your specialist orthodontist in Oldham, we believe that you can sail through your Invisalign treatment with flying colours.

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Orthodontic Emergencies: What to do if a Bracket Breaks

broken brace

Braces are an undeniable feat of engineering. They can help adults and children straighten their teeth, improve their smile and self-confidence as well as fix oral health issues and potential, more severe, dental problems.

Fixed metal braces can help correct bite issues, overcrowded teeth, and gappy or crooked teeth and they are also customisable, making it fun for teenagers and adults alike to choose colourful bands that sit around their bracket and give a pop of colour every time they open their mouth. 

There is some responsibility on the wearer however, to ensure their braces are properly looked after, as even though they are an exceptionally strong device that can lead teeth into the correct position, they can also come up against everyday objects that we put in our mouths, being too harsh with brushing and eating foods that are too tough for brackets and wires to cope with. 

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Recovery and Healing: What to Expect After Orthognathic Surgery

jaw surgery recovery

Making the decision to have orthognathic, or jaw, surgery is no small decision, it requires time, money, and most of all patience and trust. If you have spoken with your dentist or orthodontist about your dental issues and they have advised that jaw surgery is the best option for you, you may be feeling overwhelmed with what’s involved in the surgery itself and how it will affect your life afterward.

We have all the information you need at Oldham Orthodontics, in terms of what’s involved in the surgery itself and how to manage your lifestyle after the surgery has taken place. If you are looking for orthognathic surgery in Oldham, we are here to help.

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