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Twin Block Braces | Cleaning Braces | Oldham Orthodontics

A twin block brace is made up of two removable braces which need to be worn together at all times. When wearing your brace make sure that your lower jaw is positioned forwards and closed so that the bite blocks fit together.

How long will it take for me to adjust to wearing my twin blocks?

For the first few days it may feel a little uncomfortable and you might find it difficult to talk and eat with the brace in your mouth. But don’t worry, you will quickly adjust to wearing your twin block brace.

When do I need to wear my brace?

Your twin block brace is an important part of your treatment and should be worn day and night. Wear it during meals unless instructed not to do so, and only take it out for brushing your teeth, playing contact sports and also swimming. It is also best to remove your brace when playing a wind instrument.

How should I remove my brace?

Remove your twin block brace carefully, by gently pulling down on the back clips of the top brace and up on the back clips of the lower brace. When you are not wearing your brace keep it in its protective box. We should make you aware that there will be a charge to replace your brace if you lose it.

How do I look after my brace?

To keep your twin block brace clean soak both parts in a retainer cleaning solution once a week. You can also clean it with a toothbrush and water. Although don’t use toothpaste to clean your brace. Please avoid clicking your twin block brace in and out repeatedly as this will cause it to weaken and break. If you do experience any problems please make an appointment to see us as soon as possible. In the meantime try to continue to wear your brace. We will regularly assess your progress but it is also important that you continue to visit your dentist regularly.

And that’s it. Now you know how to properly look after your twin block braces. To book an appointment please make sure to get in touch with us at 0161 768 0931 today.