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You’ve made the leap into the world of orthodontics to gain the smile you’ve always dreamed of through the ever-growing popularity of Invisalign.  

Invisalign is an extremely effective orthodontic method for straightening teeth, closing gaps, and correcting bite issues. They are discreet, comfortable, and virtually invisible. Obviously, as with anything new, there is an adjustment period to be expected but with the help of the below guide, from your specialist orthodontist in Oldham, we believe that you can sail through your Invisalign treatment with flying colours.

How Invisalign Works

Invisalign aligners are a practically invisible brace system that works by applying controlled force to different parts of your teeth, at different stages in your treatment. You will begin by having images taken of your mouth, teeth, and gums. From this, your orthodontist will map out your treatment plan, taking the current and final straightened position of your teeth to map out a treatment plan that gradually aligns your teeth. 

Your Invisalign trays are made from clear, medical-grade thermoplastic, which is strong and smooth, and so very comfortable to wear. Every few weeks, you get a replacement set of aligners, which aims to move specific teeth with each set, creating a controlled and less painful way of aligning your teeth, and gradually working towards your perfect smile. 

Preparations for your First Set of Invisalign Aligners

Although Invisalign is much more non-invasive than other forms of brace treatment, there are still preparations that would be beneficial before you start your treatment, to help with upkeep once fitted. 

  • Work out your costs and payment plan – speaking with your orthodontic practice before your initial appointment is extremely important, as budgeting for Invisalign can determine whether you can receive Invisalign treatment. Some orthodontists allow payment plans to help spread the cost and others offer discounts for upfront payment.
  • Start brushing your teeth more frequently – once Invisalign is fitted, you will need to brush your teeth as normal, morning and night, but also after every meal and snack, before you put your aligner back in. This is to ensure that teeth remain healthy and free from harmful bacteria from food stuck in between the teeth. Your trays should also be rinsed before being put back in.
  • Get used to carrying a dental kit with you – keeping a dental kit consisting of a travel-sized toothbrush and toothpaste, dental floss, and a small bottle of mouthwash is vital for the maintenance of good oral hygiene when you have Invisalign. This is so that teeth can be cleaned whilst you are on the go, after meals and snacks and it is also advisable to carry a protective storage case for when your aligners are not in use.
  • Try snacking less – this one is tough if you are used to eating smaller meals and snacking, but it can be a pain to continuously take your aligners out, clean and rinse them, and clean your teeth if you are eating several times a day. If possible, try eating slightly bigger meals and snacking less, it also enables you to wear them for the recommended 20 – 22 hours a day. 

Oldham Orthodontics Guide to Surviving your First Week with Invisalign 

Oldham Orthodontics is your expert orthodontist in Oldham, committed to providing high-quality knowledge and care around Invisalign and other forms of orthodontic treatment. Below is a guide to helping you through that first week of wearing your Invisalign braces. 

Day 1: Embrace the Change

The first day with Invisalign should purely be about adapting to the change. Wearing aligners may feel strange initially, and you might experience some discomfort as your teeth begin to adjust but try to embrace the change positively and understand that it is only temporary in working toward your perfect smile.

Tips for Day 1 – stay hydrated by sipping water throughout the day, keep your mouth hydrated, and ensure that you adhere to your orthodontist's schedule and instructions regarding wear time and removal.

Day 2 – 3: Utilise Pain and Discomfort Aids

During the second and third days, you may notice increased pressure on your teeth as the aligners begin their work. This is normal, and it's a sign that your teeth are gradually moving into the desired positions.

Tips for Days 2 and 3 – use the orthodontic wax provided by your orthodontist to alleviate irritation around the edge of your aligners and consider over-the-counter pain relief to ease discomfort. 

Day 4 – 5: Establish a Routine

By the fourth and fifth days, you're likely becoming more accustomed to your new routine. Establishing good habits early on will make the entire Invisalign experience more manageable.

Tips for Days 4 and 5 - develop a thorough cleaning routine for both your teeth and aligners which includes brushing after meals and before reinserting them. Also, create a travel kit with a toothbrush, floss, and your aligner case for on-the-go oral care. 

Day 6 - 7: Invisalign Out and About

As you approach the end of the first week, you might feel more comfortable in attending social events or gatherings. Navigating social situations with Invisalign can be seamless with a little preparation.

Tips for Days 6 and 7 - Plan meals carefully to align with your Invisalign schedule. Remove aligners before eating and brush your teeth before reinserting them and if you’re heading out, keep a small kit with aligner essentials in your bag, ensuring you're always prepared. 

Important Points to Remember During Your Invisalign Treatment.

It is important to remember that even though Invisalign is a less invasive and more comfortable form of brace treatment, it is possible to get some pain and discomfort when your teeth move from the positions they have been in for such a long time. It is likely that the most pain and discomfort will come when your aligners are changed, as every set of aligners focuses on moving different teeth. 

You may notice some sores on your tongue when you first start wearing your aligners. This is normal as the sharp edges can sometimes rub against your tongue and cheeks. The orthodontic wax can help until your mouth becomes hardened to wearing them. 

Looking for Invisalign in Oldham?

We hope this article has helped you in making the decision on whether Invisalign is for you, or if you are about to embark on your Invisalign journey, we hope it has helped you to prepare for what is ahead. One thing is for certain, if you are seeking Invisalign in Oldham, Oldham Orthodontics can provide you with the information, advice, and support you need to ensure that you get the most out of your Invisalign treatment.

Oldham Orthodontics is your specialist orthodontist in Oldham, made up of a team of experts who are highly trained in all forms of orthodontic treatments. Invisalign is our most popular hidden brace system here at our practice, so contact us today and book your free consultation.