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Celebrating National Smile Month | Oldham Orthodontics

At Oldham Orthodontics, we like to ensure that our patients have the best oral health. If you have any questions, all you need to do is contact us by calling 0161 622 0987 or email Our website and regular blogs try to answer the more regularly asked questions and provide some guidance on oral care.

This month, we get a chance to further promote oral health matters with the celebratory National Smile Month. As a popular long running event, National Smile Month campaigns to give the best advice to the nation, so that we can all smile confident in the knowledge that our gums and teeth are healthy and happy. So, what can we learn this month?

National Smile Month has three key messages which we at Oldham Orthodontics happen to agree with. They are:

#1 Brush twice daily

Brushing your teeth last thing at night is important. As you go to bed, there are many hours that any nasty bacteria in your mouth have to multiply and grow. Clean teeth at bedtime can eradicate the growth of this bacteria so it is the most important time of the day to ensure you clean them properly, using a good fluoride-based toothpaste. In addition, teeth need to be cleaned in the same way on at least one other occasion during the day. Many people choose first thing in the morning, or following breakfast so that they can make a fresh start to the day, but the timing is less important.

#2 Reduce the sugar

Sugary food and drink is bad for your teeth. We do seem to have an attraction to sugar however, so the best advice we can give is to cut down your sugar intake. The less sugar your teeth have to deal with, the better condition they will be in. Remember that even healthier options such as fresh juices and smoothies are not teeth–friendly, so try to limit when you drink them, and try to replace some of your sugary fluid intake with water instead.

#3 Visit the dentist

As children, many of us visited the dentist twice a year for regular check- ups. Sadly, as adults, many of us do not have such regular habits, and for some, a visit only happens if something goes wrong. By seeing a professional regularly, teeth can be monitored, and problems can be nipped in the bud, before becoming catastrophic and costly! Your dentist will tell you how often you need to see them because as adults, it may not need to be every six months- but let them advise you, and make sure you attend.

As an orthodontic practice, some of the treatments we offer can make a big difference to your smile. Teeth realignment, whitening and other cosmetic treatments can be transformative. But as with anything in life, the foundations have to be right. Good oral hygiene through regular cleaning, reduced sugar intake, and regular check-ups are an essential basis that no-one can afford to neglect.

To find out more about National Smile Week, which runs from the 15 May – 15 June, please visit: