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Invisalign Aligners | Oldham Orthodontics

Crooked teeth may seem hard to treat, however, Invisalign can indeed fix them. Read this blog to learn more. 


What are crooked teeth?

Crooked teeth are teeth that aren’t straight. Crooked or malaligned teeth can be caused by a range of things including:

  • Habits such as sucking your thumb or chewing a pen,
  • Genetics,
  • Tooth decay or a knock to the mouth causing your baby teeth to fall out before they should,
  • Both baby and adult teeth may even come through crooked. 


Do crooked teeth cause problems? 

Crooked teeth can cause many problems, so getting them fixed will be beneficial. Your teeth, gums and jaw muscles can start to wear. Your teeth may become cracked and you may feel some strain to your jaw. Depending on the severity of your case, you may experience some minor speech problems because your teeth can affect the way you sound. 


Which treatment is best?

There are some cases that will be more suited to surgery followed by fixed appliances but over the last few years, Invisalign has progressed with its ability to fix the majority of crooked teeth. Invisalign are clear plastic aligners that are made to fit your teeth and gradually straighten them and correct bites. 

The severity of the case will be the deciding factor in the number of aligners required and the length of time your treatment would take. This is the same throughout any type of orthodontic treatment, the increase in severity increases the treatment time.

Whilst there is still the misconception that Invisalign can only correct the minimal movement cases this is not true as if you were to research Invisalign before and after comparisons there is a huge amount of severe cases that have been corrected using Invisalign. 


If you are interested in Invisalign or any other Orthodontic treatment, then contact us on 0161 768 0931 to book a consultation with one of our specialist Orthodontists.