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Tag: early age Orthodontics Treatment

Myth busting: Invisalign


Within any field, there’s always myths and misconceptions surrounding it… And that’s no different with orthodontics.

So let’s go through some of the myths tied to one of the most innovative and popular appliances on the market right now: Invisalign.

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Does my kid need braces?

Does my kid need braces?

There’s lot of things you worry about as a parent. 

Are my children healthy? Is this the right school for my child? What can I do to ensure they have a good future? 

And it’s no different with their oral health. Orthodontics often comes into the conversation when parents realise crooked teeth could cause quite a few health implications such as jaw chronic headache and speech difficulties.

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The Benefits of Early Orthodontics Treatment

Early Orthodontics Treatment Benefits

It’s best to spot any problems within your child's developing mouth early so you can start treatment sooner before they turn into long term problems. Early prevention also means you can access treatment on the NHS, making it a much more affordable option for families.

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