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Tag: orthodontic treatments

What is the Best Brace for You?

What Is The Best Brace For You | Oldham | Manchester Orthodontics

In this blog, we’ll be discussing the different types of orthodontic braces we offer here Oldham Orthodontics and which may be best for you.

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What is Orthognathic Surgery?

Orthognathic surgery | Oldham | Manchester Orthodontics

Orthodontics is a special type of dentistry where a trained consultant will diagnose, prevent and correct any malpositioned teeth a patient may have, including bite and jaw position.

Aside from getting braces such as metal train tracks or Incognito braces, a patient may have a case so severe they may need orthognathic surgery. 

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How Often do Invisalign Aligners need to be Replaced?

Invisalign Aligners | Oldham | Manchester Orthodontics

Before we start discussing replacing Invisalign aligners, we want to start with what the appliance is and what it actually does.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign, also known as clear aligners, are an orthodontic treatment that uses transparent, plastic trays to adjust the position of the teeth.

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