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Tag: clear aligners

7 Tips to Clean Your Invisalign Effectively



Invisalign aligners are one of the best options to correct your bite and straighten your teeth if you are wanting a more discreet solution. 


But, no matter how easy they are to use every day, Invisalign cleaning is something you need to take extra care of. Here are eight quick Invisalign care tips for you.

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Thinking about getting clear braces?

clear braces

As one of the first things we notice about a person, our smile plays an important role in everyday life. It can help express character, build new relationships and create a good first impression. However, if you are one of the many people self-conscious of your smile, these seemingly normal interactions could leave you with a sense of dread.

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Myth busting: Invisalign


Within any field, there’s always myths and misconceptions surrounding it… And that’s no different with orthodontics.

So let’s go through some of the myths tied to one of the most innovative and popular appliances on the market right now: Invisalign.

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