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Playing Instrumental With Braces | Oldham Orthodontics

Before we start, no we don’t mean playing your braces as an instrument. But rather is it possible for people with braces to still play their musical instruments.

We get this question quite a lot, and the answer is yes.

With today’s orthodontic technology, musicians are still able to continue to make beautiful music.

But for those of you who are still worried, we’ve broken it down even further.

Playing a Woodwind Instrument With Braces

Saxophone and clarinet players adjust more easily to playing with braces.

Why is this? Well, the area of the teeth that the braces are attached to don’t actually come in contact with the mouthpiece. The same goes for those who play double-reed instruments like oboe and bassoon.

However, flute players may feel some discomfort as they tend to put a lot more pressure on the lip plate. We suggest increasing their breath support and decreasing the pressure on their bottom lip.

Brass Players

Unfortunately, brass players might find it a little more challenging when getting used to playing with metal braces. This is because their lips are pressed between a metal mouthpiece and their teeth, their teeth which now have braces on.

The hardest instruments to play, with braces, are probably ones with smaller mouthpieces like trumpets and french horns. But much like flute players, they can reduce the pressure on their teeth by increasing their airflow and keeping the corners of their mouths sealed tight.

Tubas and baritones require less pressure since they have larger mouthpieces, making them easier to play with braces.

Alternatives to Braces for Musicians

If you are keen to get braces but still want to be able to play an instrument with ease, there are other options for you.

With Invisalign, it’s just two smooth trays that can easily be removed when playing an instrument. Unlike metal braces, Invisalign has no brackets or wires to make playing uncomfortable.

Another option is Lingual braces. They still use wires and brackets but they are applied to the back of the teeth instead of the front. This means they won’t interfere with playing an instrument as your lips won’t be squashed between instrument and brace.

Luckily if you’re a drummer or string player you have nothing to worry about!

We’d be happy to answer any more questions you might have, so call us today on  0161 7680931.