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Sensitive Teeth | Oldham | Manchester Orthodontics

When your teeth are sensitive, eating hot, cold or acidic foods can cause pain and discomfort. In this blog, we will help you understand the causes of tooth sensitivity along with things you can do to ease and prevent it. 


Brushing your teeth too hard or with a hard-bristled brush isn’t good for your teeth and will over time wear down your enamel. When your tooth’s enamel wears down the tooth’s dentin becomes exposed and can also encourage gum recession. You can easily prevent this by brushing your teeth with less force and using a soft to medium bristled toothbrush. You may have to ask your dentist which brand is best. 



Gingivitis is a form of periodontal disease that is caused by inflammation of your gum tissue which causes exposure to the tooth’s root. If left untreated, gingivitis can cause periodontitis which is a more serious condition that can result in tooth loss. It is extremely important that you contact your dentist if you experience any of the symptoms:


  • Bleeding gums when you brush,
  • Red or purple gums,
  • Bad breath,
  • Inflammation,
  • Swollen gums,
  • Receding gums.

Cracked teeth 

When your teeth become cracked, bacteria from the plaque on your teeth can seep through the cracks and cause inflammation in the pulp of your teeth. A sign of this inflammation is tooth sensitivity but it can cause an abscess or infection so you need to contact your dentist and have it treated.


Acid foods

If you are constantly eating and drinking very acidic foods it will cause your enamel to break down. You will need to limit the number of acidic foods, such as oranges and pineapples, that you consume to try and prevent this. Fizzy drinks and foods containing sugar also are very acidic, so cutting down on these will also help. If you do, however, fancy a glass of orange juice or sweet treat, then we suggest you swill your mouth with water afterwards or swap them for a healthy alternative. 


Long-term use of mouthwash

Over-the-counter mouthwashes can contain acids which are not good for your teeth. This is because it can wear away your enamel and expose your dentin which causes tooth sensitivity and a range of other problems. 


Some mouthwashes are safe and can, in fact, strengthen your enamel and help fight bacteria as they usually contain fluoride. If you are unsure about which mouthwash to buy, we recommend you ask your dentist. They will be able to suggest the best product for you. 

If you do feel that you are suffering from tooth sensitivity but don’t know the causes, then talking to your dentist is the best option.